Thursday, January 29, 2009

What genealogy software do you recommend?

from Nancy Snow

A friend asked me which genealogy software I would recommend. I use Generations Easy Tree 5.2, but I can't really say that I recommend it because I haven't used anything else. My version is more than 10 years old, so it probably doesn't have some features that newer software has. I just did a video tour of the Legacy 7 software, and I have to say it has some really nice tools and gadgets:'sNewInLegacy7.html

I invite anyone to post comments about what software they use and what they like about it.


  1. I initially used Family Tree Maker (circa 2001 forward) and I found it a bit clunky to use but it did the job and I eventually got used to it.

    In 2004 or so I attended a seminar which was essentially all about Legacy and I was very impressed with its features. I thought it would be a major effort to to switch over and learn a new system so I stayed with FTM.

    I finally heard so much good stuff from other members who either already used Legacy or who had switched that I took the plunge in 2005 or so.

    ILegacy is a terrific software package and they have top notch training videos to help you not only use the product but better understand how to actually enter data and why. I wish I had seen the videos before I ever entered a single record into my original FTM database. I could have saved myself a lot of heartache. I'm slowly getting all my old entries cleaned up but it's time consuming. In the end though my famiy history will be better for it.

    Another plus, if you're a GSSWI member, is our Legacy User Group which meets once a month to discuss problems, issues. ideas, etc. We always learn something and it's a really fun group.

    I'm now a Legacy believer all the way. If you choose it you won't be disappointed.

  2. According to the 52 GSSWI Member Surveys returned so far, 12 of our members use Legacy, 7 use FTM, 9 use Reunion (for Macs), 4 use PAF, and 1 uses Roots Magic.

    I agree with Doreen's comments about the quality of Legacy 7.0.

    I,too, started with Family Tree Maker (FTM). When I made my first big research trip to MI, I didn't want the weight and bulkiness of paperwork in my luggage, so I created several helpful summary sheets that I could easily reference without starting my laptop. Later I found out that Legacy could have quickly produced all the summary charts I designed and so laborously keyed into Word. That alone convinced me to convert. Those attending the Legacy Users Group are very excited about this software and are thankful there are so many experienced Legacy users who are willing to help new users.

    Mary Sue

  3. I have Legacy and, probably, would have switched to it from FTM, especially after the fiasco of FTM 2008. However, my files include a bunch of images and there is no convenient way to import images from FTM to Legacy. While I was scratching my head about what to do, FTM 2009 was published. FTM 2009 is, essentially, what FTM 2008 should have been.
    Given the situation with images, I have elected to stay with FTM 2009.


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